Tutorial - index
Work Shop Cast - Vatshu The Black Knight
I will be working on this free-pose resin kit, it will serve as a tutorial, for anyone finding their way to building a Five Star Stories model.

Unboxing and counting the parts.
The very first thing to do, you open the box and sniff it.

Then you will find the instruction manual. It looks something like this. You should check if you have all of the pieces.

It is entirely in Japanese, at the corner you will find a list of symbols. I'll explain some of the frequently used ones.

For example on the bottom right of this picture, you'll see the 'Optional part' and 'Identical part' symbols. That means there are 2 pairs of these parts, total of 4 parts, in which you will use 2 of them.

On the top right, it will tell you how many resin parts or metal parts are used in each step. Notice in this particular step, the entire picture is drawn from the back view, that means you are actually looking at the left shoulder. Be carefull about the orentiation.

Cleaning up.
After checking the content, what I would do next is give them a bath, I'd rub detergent on each parts and then soak them in water. Some people use sonic cleaner, I don't have such equipments, so I'd just leave them in the water overnight.

Do everything you can to make sure you don't flush any small part down the drain when you rinse them.

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