These longer cables connect the shoulders to the elbows. The trick to bending resin is, as soon as the resin left the heat source, it will become stiff again within a second. I wore a pair of rubber gardening gloves to hold the resin part directly at the hair dryer.

After some testing, I cut off 3 sections from the cables.

The first attempt. I thought I would allow the cable to hang down as if it is pulled by gravity, but turned out I didn't like there is too much space in between and under the armpit.

I cut away another 4 sections, total of 7 are cut, 15 sections remained.

Some time in the process, I put one of the cable too close to the hair dryer, it broken off in half. Quickly I fixed it, so be careful.
Below on the left I showed the 1st attempt with longer hanging cables. On the right are the 2nd attempt, I like how the cables filled some of the negative space under the armpits.

How I would visuzlize the composition around just the armpit area.

With all of the armors on, the cables are right on the edge of those armor plates on the back, that way it looks more dense.

The cables on the lineart.

The WSC build, those indentations are front facing, I have them turned 45 degree to the side instead, on my 2nd attempt.