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五星物語重戰機專頁 (另開新頁)
Finally got rid of these welding marks in between the plates, now hopefully even under the worse angle and lighting condition it will not be apparent. bagged I updated the homepage as well.
It's been a week I started priming for the second pass, with 1200 Mr. Surfacer. It's a bit blue in tone. With the Gunze PS290 and preped piece, the primer pretty much got me a perfectly smooth surface. Except some spots where I over looked or some spots around the edge are roughen by the overspray where I tried to paint the side. And of course, still there are dust, bubbles and flaws. Comparison with the first pass 1000 primer Following the last picture, as you can see there is a raised lip right under the gap between two pieces of armors. a) The armor before any scribing. (It actually didn't need scribing but I did it) b) After scribing the line and primed, I realized there is an issue with those raised lips (in green triangle) c) Flatten.
This is the back of the skirt at the base of the waist, in the manual it is said to glue it before painting, I'm not sure if there should be a line here, but I filled it anyway.
I suspect they used high air pressure when priming these parts, the primer didn't get to cover the crack like shown in the graph. As a result the ball is deformed in the cast pieces, like a failed boob job. Sanded.
Luckily those four are the only parts. The shield doesn't have that issue, only some minor texture. Turned out I over did it a little as there is a very thin line got scribed between the details, I intended to only clean it up a little but it should be fine after a couple layers of paint.