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Saturday, January 31, 2009

Star Wars: Anakin's Podracer 進度一

全盒超過一百件, 跳樓貨只賣$58, 兩支Jet engine蹤切分成四塊, 要黐返埋一碌有好多位都對唔準要修正, 仲有D夾口o係正detial中間, 將會好難搞下.

The jet engines is very details as it is the leading point of the whole
model. It has over a hundred piece of parts, both are very unusual for
an AMT kits.

Each engine 'tube' is divided into quarters, the pieces don't line up
precisely I had to cut the inside to make it fit. There are a lot seam
lines right between the details, it's going to be difficult.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

[電單車]Kawasaki ZX-RR Ninja 完成

40個鐘冇訓呀. 我仲要影埋post埋先開始去訓
呢堆相同我o係出面派果D唔同. 黑背景

Sunday, January 25, 2009

[電單車]Kawasaki ZX-RR Ninja 進度十八

死氣喉就咁噴透明色好似齋齋地. 醒起仲有盒Weathering Master. 捽左少少紅色落去

I tried to rub some burnt red with Tamiay weathering master. As photo

The body is completed, there are only fairings and wheel need to be
polished and wiring for the brakes need to be done. I'll take more
proper photo when it is 100% done. It looks like a cockroach without
wheels and fairing..

Saturday, January 24, 2009

[電單車]Kawasaki ZX-RR Ninja 進度十七

買左兩盒Gundam Color...但係我冇買呢兩隻Murasai同0080 Z'gok...只係想買油先...廢事遲下搵唔返. .模型就到砌果時先買

諗住光油乾到咁上下, 拎條後叉來試下省水貼邊...另外油左少少釘位

I think the topcoat has been dried long enough(in fact I can't wait any
longer), I've sand down the decal's outline on the swing arms. I'll put
another semi-gloss coat on it so there is no need to polish further.
I'll let the fairings to dry for just two more days before I sand them.
I've also painted some detail for nuts and screws today.

Friday, January 23, 2009

[電單車]Kawasaki ZX-RR Ninja 進度十六

買左幾個焗tart用既兜, $10 四十八飛. 因為用開溝油果D杯, 點洗都係有塵, 下下用thinner洗條數好容...呢D用完掉, 永遠乾淨

死氣喉想照真車噴, 由藍轉橙, 加中間燒黑...變色過程只有一次冇重複

The mixing jugs that I used always have dust in it no matter how I
clean it, and the thinner that was consumed was much. I bought these
baking molds for about 1.5 USD 48 pcs, they are always clean, even I'll
have to throw one away for each color that was used, the cost for this
is still lower.

I wanted to simulate the exhaust pipes according to the real thing, the burnt color went like blue to orange with smoke through out. The sequence of the change in colors only occured once.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

[電單車]Kawasaki ZX-RR Ninja 進度十五

手制中間用Alclad Chrome, 用膠紙同線mask...之後噴黑
I used Alclad II chrome on these pieces and masked them with tape and cotton knit, than sprayed a black coat on top.

Some masking are done, and front brake disk is done...almost

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


橫掂對眼著唔到燈. 又唔諗住再拆開佢搞,將對瞎眼噴返實色青光眼先

Monday, January 19, 2009

[電單車]Kawasaki ZX-RR Ninja 進度十四

噴左Topcoat, 大概噴左四次Mr. Color 184, 有幾條塵同毛沉左入去好深既位置, 應該沙唔到...由佢乾兩個星期先

Ran across it with about 4 layers of Mr. Color 184 Super Clears II
thinned with Mr. Leveling thinner. There are a few dust and fiber sunk
too deep under the coats that probably won't be able to sand away, I
hope it won't be too visible. I'll let it dry till near the end of this
month. There are still some smaller parts to work with for the interior
within this week.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

One Piece Styling 2再版

part 2再版...入左CP9鴿佬同Galley La繩佬

Friday, January 16, 2009

Thursday, January 15, 2009

[電單車]Kawasaki ZX-RR Ninja 進度十二

原本今日上水貼, 不過條鈴要再省滑DD. 所以噴埋Chrome同Titanium兩隻色
前Brake說明書話用Titanium. 但係實物相睇落似Chrome多D. 所以我用左Chrome

I was about to apply decal today but the black color on the wheels need
to be smoothen and paint over again before decal could be applied. An
amount of thinner will be consumed anyway I might as well continue
painting today. I've did Titanium and Chrome color, I decided to use
Chrome on the front brake instead of Titanium because it appears this
way from my reference photo.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

[電單車]Kawasaki ZX-RR Ninja 進度十

Fairing油漆未乾. 仲諗住可以上埋水貼噴埋光油等佢乾慢慢先搞內籠...睇黎要整好晒內籠先可以上水貼
The paint on the fairing still feels soft, I can't apply decal yet. I
guess it would take days to get harden, I will be working on the
interior these days.

Monday, January 12, 2009

[電單車]Kawasaki ZX-RR Ninja 進度九

整左成晚, 之前隻綠色唔靚. 我洗晒再噴. 整左少少碳纖維, 個網係係通寶行買既筆袋剪落黎, 密度o岩o岩好又軟. 將件part貼落舊藍寶貼度再黐個網上去, 之後噴SM03 Super Iron+smoke. 隻綠色用水性X-15加幾滴瑩光綠, 勁慢乾, 成日有塵黐落去又要等成年等佢乾左先可以磨, 最後決定有D位第時會用水貼摭住既就由佢, 其他見光位就噴GX白摭過左佢算數..

I've worked overnight it is 7:35 AM here. Last night I did some CF
effects, I cut this mesh from a stationery beg, it is very flexable, I
put the part against a blue tape and the mesh over them, then sprayed on SM03 Iron+smoke.

The rest of the night was spent on painting the fairings. The green is
much better now, I used Acrylic paint X-15 with a few drops of
Fluorescent green, because it is acrylic paint it took a lot longer to
Often there were dust landed on the surface I have had to wait for the
paint to dry then sand away the dust, that explain why it took the
whole night.
The layer was still not thick enough after a few hours of spraying,
waiting and sanding, later I decided not to sand every dust away and
paint an even layer of paint everywhere, those spots later will be
cover by decal were left alone(dusty or unpainted), the rest of the
dusty parts were painted with GX01 white to cover them before continue
painting green on.

Friday, January 9, 2009

[電單車]Kawasaki ZX-RR Ninja 進度八

噴左主色, 好似深左..比起原件色同張水貼...
I used Mr. Color SM01 Silver for parts that need to be painted with
Aluminium color. The green might looks ok from the photo(under bright
light), it looks like it is matching with the decal, but when I turn
off the table lamp, the actual color is duller and deeper, I'm not sure if my eyes are playing tricks, after all it is 4 AM at morning here now.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

[電單車]Kawasaki ZX-RR Ninja 進度七

全部打黑底, 唔知點解唔夠滑, 捽捽先上銀
Painted everything black, except outside of fairings, somehow the
finish is not as smooth and clean as my previous works. Will be rubbed
with polishing compound before spraying on metallic color or flat/semi-gloss clear coat as instructed

Monday, January 5, 2009


06,07年的電擊Hobby同Hobby Japan

Saturday, January 3, 2009

[電單車]Kawasaki ZX-RR Ninja 進度六

全部上灰, 磨返滑, 第日再灰多次, 之後Fairings上白底, 其他上晒光黑先
Primed, I've sand it with #1200 grain paper, have to prime again
another day, then the fairing will be based with Mr. GX cool white and
the rest will be based super gloss black.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

[電單車]Kawasaki ZX-RR Ninja 進度五

今日搞食蝦片, 都係用介刀切, 用銼收邊, 之後用A+B epoxy膠來黐, 因為較杰又就慢乾, 聽日上灰喇掛
done with some photo-etch parts. I used A+B epoxy to glue them because
it dries slowly. I would probably start to prime tomorrow.