1. 用太多mark softer?
2. 用左白膠漿?
3. 未乾有水份?
4. 水貼品質問題?
嬲嬲想浸thinner洗晒佢, 不過睇真D, 好在只係透明部份出事, 印左藍色既位置完全冇事, 拎把介刀沿住邊介走晒D皺皮
補返D色, 再topcoat之後就係咁, 如何? 要唔要洗晒佢? 之後果D水貼我老虎蟹都飛晒邊先, 盡量唔用marksofter...等乾晒先topcoat

其餘件拆mask, D甩青效果出到"先後"感, 不過分佈上無說服力, 要之後再畫D野 ,加D方向性之類..


我自己多數會用 Mr. Mark Setter 代替白膠漿。不過我不知是否白膠漿惹出來的禍
[版主回覆11/08/2010 15:40:00]好彩之後D花都係直線.. 下次買定支marksetter, 有人話舊水貼試過咁.
Hey John, awesome craftsmanship on our podracer model!
Can you please tell me what tamiya colour code you are using for the yellow parts?
The kit calls for Yellow, but my parts don't look the same shade as yours or the shade on the box at all...
this is after one coat of X-8 on bare plastic and tips painted steel metallic:
It has been a long time, I forgot what did I do with the color, I think I mixed brown into the yellow.
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